Thursday, August 25, 2005


Same crap, different package...

My shift ended not too long ago, the whole day was a good, relaxing, no troubles, until...

Well, of course, no day can end without some sort of nuisance. An hour before my shift is done, as I am patrolling my last bit of area, before returning and filing paperwork, I come up to a very familiar car.

I must note that I do not have any law enforcement powers (not yet at least!), so anytime someone is 'breaking the law' I need to radio for the 'park police' as I call them. That being said, I recognized the vehicle as belonging to a group of teenagers that are always hanging out in the park.

Two times have I caught them drinking in the park (thats a double problem for the park, triple for me since really can't do much to minors). Anyhow, I pulled up next to them and they were all enjoying some coca-cola....refreshing? A bit too refreshing if you ask me. I stepped out of my truck and walked up them and asked what they were doing here so late. Replies 'Nothing', 'Just hanging out'.

I could smell the alcohol on one of the boy's breath.

I picked up one of the cans that was on the floor (yes, add littering to that) and smelled it, it wreaked of alcohol. What they were doing was dumping out half of the can of soda, and adding alcohol to it, and drinking it straight out of the can. I just looked at them and laughed, does it really look like I was born yesterday?

These aren't bad kids, they knew they were caught and pretty much admitted to it. They didn't try running, nothing of that sort. What bugs me is, where are they getting the liquor from? Who is supplying it to them in the first place?

Well anyhow, I called the park police and they took over from there. All that ever happens to these kid is either, straight released to their parents, or held in juvenile for a few hours until their parents get them. That's it, I wouldn't even call that a slap on the hands.

I am only 28 years old, I am not too far off from these guys, but when I was their age, I didn't do stuff like this, I had fun yes, but I didn't need to break the law to do it.

Anyhow I am ranting now, I'll be very upset to say the least if I catch them again.


Stocks? I don't know...

Today a friend of mine confronted me about investing in some penny stocks.....what?

He is a broker in some firm, whatever. Being a park ranger he knows I am big for the environment and all that good stuff, and knows I have some extra cash saved up that said I wanted to invest in something (I've been very vague). ANYWAY, he goes on and tells me about one very specific stock..this company that creates a special type of tree; that regrows from the stump when cut, and grows at a very fast rate, great for the environment to say the least.

I'm not very good with stocks...well, I should say I don't know anything about them. But I looked at the stock today, and the damn thing is up 166%! I might buy a thousand shares (only about $100 bucks or so) and see how it turns out. Yes, I know I can lose all my investment, but wow, looks damn good!

Any stock people out there can assist me? Check the details of it here. If your good with stocks toss me an email to, I'd like to know if it is as good as I think it is.

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Well Deserved...

Not much of anything today.

I got word that the dumping sob (read below this post) is in very very big trouble, he had some warrants out on him or some sort. I don't know the exact details, but well deserved!

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Ahh...I love being a ranger...

Today was one of those days I live for, the one of the reasons I became a park ranger.

Over the course of about a month, we have been receiving notices (and I have seen with my own eyes) about illegal dumping in the park, who in the holy hell would dump bags and bags of trash in a park. It just totally disgusts me to think about it.

About a week ago, I drove up to this black trash bag that had a racoon digging in it. If that isn't bad enough, what is totally disgusting is the TYPE of trash that was being discarded, it was some kind of rotten meat, some nasty mess, I cant even begin to describe it, the smell was horrid.

Anyhow, it was pretty late in the evening, and one of my fellow rangers radioed me about this van driving through the park which looked very suspicious to say the least. I hopped in my truck and headed over there. Incredibly enough by the time I got there, the van was pulled over on the grass, and the driver was gone. My two buddies waited along side me for a few minutes til the driver came back..nothing in hand...we already knew what we was doing, just by the stench coming off of him.

I walked back the way he came and saw the bags of trash, and that damned horrid smell. We immediately called the park police, who in turn searched the van and found more bags of trash.

Yep Yep!

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